Tank Bottom Shell Replacement

Replacing the Bottom Shell of a tank is a complex task that requires careful planning, engineering expertise, and adherence to safety and regulatory standards. Here is a general guide for the process:

  1. Engineering Assessment:
    • Engage a qualified structural engineer or tank specialist to assess the condition of the existing tank and determine the need for bottom shell replacement.
    • Evaluate the load capacity of the tank's structure to ensure it can support the replacement shell and its contents.
  2. Regulatory Compliance:
    • Check with local authorities and regulatory bodies to ensure compliance with safety and environmental regulations.
    • Obtain necessary permits and approvals for the tank bottom shell replacement.
  3. Empty the Tank:
    • Safely drain and clean the tank to prepare it for the replacement process.
    • Dispose of any hazardous materials according to regulations.
  4. Cutting Bottom Shell Perimeter:
    • Cut the weld at the bottom perimeter of the tank to separate the existing bottom shell.
  5. First Shell Lifting:
    • Use appropriate Tank Lifting Jacks to lift first shell.
    • Follow proper safety procedures to prevent accidents during the lifting process.
  6. Cutting and Removal:
    • Cut and remove the existing bottom shell using appropriate cutting equipment.
    • Ensure that cutting is performed safely, and the removed shell is disposed of properly.
  7. Surface Preparation:
    • Clean and prepare the exposed tank structure for the installation of the new bottom shell.
    • Remove any rust, corrosion, or contaminants from the tank's surface.
  8. New Bottom Shell Installation:
    • Carefully position and install the new bottom shell, ensuring proper alignment and fit.
    • Weld the new shell securely to the existing tank structure, following industry standards and guidelines.
    • Use certified welders and welding procedures to maintain structural integrity.
  9. Weld Inspection and Testing:
    • Inspect all welds thoroughly to ensure they meet industry standards.
    • Perform non-destructive testing (NDT) methods, such as ultrasonic testing or radiographic testing, to verify the quality of the welds.
  10. Reinforcement if Necessary:
    • If the structural assessment indicates the need for additional reinforcement, implement the recommended measures to enhance the tank's strength.
  11. Sealing and Coating:
    • Ensure proper sealing of joints and seams to prevent leaks.
    • Apply appropriate coatings to protect the tank against corrosion and other environmental factors.
  12. Testing and Commissioning:
    • Conduct tests to verify the integrity of the tank with the new bottom shell.
    • Commission the tank for service only after confirming that it meets all safety and performance requirements.
  13. Documentation:
    • Maintain detailed records of the replacement process, including engineering assessments, permits, and testing results.

It's essential to involve experienced professionals and adhere to industry standards throughout the bottom shell replacement process. Additionally, consulting with relevant authorities and obtaining necessary approvals is crucial to ensure compliance with regulations and standards.